Accountability and Transparency

C-TRAN is a recipient of funding through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. Stimulus funds provide important financial support of various agency projects including these local transit priorities:

Project Title





Fleet Maintenance and Vehicle Replacement & Expansion



(12) mini-vans, (3) 40' buses, fleet maintenance, and parts

Radio Coverage Upgrade



Transition to cellular service

Maintenance Facility Expansion and Upgrade



Replace 6 lifts and expand

Upgrade Customer Service Phone System


Near completion

Integrated voice recognition software

Expand Security Surveillance System to Salmon Creek P & R



Wireless IP CCTV cameras

Transit Enhancement



Transit enhancements

Preventative Maintenance



Preventative maintenance






The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, 2009 (ARRA) was signed into law by President Barack Obama on February 17, 2009. ARRA includes appropriations and tax law changes totaling approximately $787 billion to support government wide efforts to stimulate the economy. Goals of the statute include the preservation or creation of jobs and the promotion of an economic recovery, as well as the investment in transportation, environmental protection and other infrastructure providing long-term economic benefits.

Over $48 billion will be invested in transportation infrastructure, including $8.4 billion for transit capital improvements made available through FTA programs. In addition, transit may benefit from flexible funding transferred from highway program allocations as well as discretionary allocations under a $1.5 billion multimodal program administered by the Secretary of Transportation. Find out more at, the FTA (Federal Transit Administration), or the State of Washington.

C-TRAN's Maintenance Facility Expansion and Upgrade

  • Removal and installation of three bus lifts;
  • Replacement of the fuel tank monitoring system;
  • Conversion of the fuel/consumables management system; and
  • Canopy installation at the fuel bays and wash racks.

